The Anne Heche Crash Heard Around the World
What we know, what we don't. Why it's worth questioning what we are being told.
Where to begin? Not the beginning but let’s start with this article from the NY Post detailing the timeline of her life that most people recognize Anne Heche from. Her surprise relationship with Ellen DeGeneres. Then we can break down some of the information reported here along with this accident.
In the article, mention of Heche’s childhood and past behaviors give us some insight.
EDIT TO ADD: I finally found a YouTube video of her Podcast episode where she opens up about Ellen recently. Many do not know that Heche has been doing a podcast for awhile now. Her comments about Ellen are very telling. This is some interesting stuff:
What we know about the crash has been detailed in every media outlet, with TMZ securing video footage pretty much immediately. But there is too much left unknown that is sparking a lot of speculation. It is understandably so.
First, we know that Heche stopped in at a salon not long before the crash. The salon owner sold her a red wig, snapped a picture with her and posted it on his social media before the crash. Anne looked alert and happy. He has noted over and over again that she did not appear to be impaired. The current reports on her toxicology are that she tested negative for alcohol in her system but positive for cocaine. Could she have jumped in her car after the purchase, snorted up a bump and drove off? Sure. But did she? (See interview with salon owner directly below.)
We also have a photo of Anne in her car that day, wearing the pink tank top shown in the photo from the salon. You can also see a glimpse of the red wig she purchased just before the photo was taken. This photo appears to be from the first accident scene reported, where she hit a garage building.
Video footage from a surveillance camera and a bystander show what appears to be Heche speeding past a pedestrian and hitting a garage building. She then backs up and takes off.
The now infamous Ring doorbell footage then shows her vehicle again, at accelerated speed, racing past a home seconds before impact into the house where her vehicle caught fire.
So many questions follow. Most of you have seen the footage of her being removed from the car. But it really doesn’t add up.
We hear her car whizzing by in this video. But we also hear a screeching sound. I’m not sure if that is an attempt at hitting brakes or a car just out of control but before the sound of impact, you hear it.
Another lesser known video from a different Ring camera on that street also shows her car speeding by. Yet it almost sounds like her brakes are locked or something isn’t right. You must click on it to watch directly on YouTube.
Neighbors on scene of the final, fiery crash have stated that they climbed into the back of the car and spoke with Anne. She was awake. Others are stating maybe she passed out and had her foot on the gas, but residents near the house who tried to free her spoke with her and she answered them. The car was not fully engulfed immediately.
Here’s where things get really questionable. The firefighters claimed they took her out of the passenger side. It took them over an hour to get her out, all while the car is burning. She was confirmed to be alive and in fact, early reports said she would survive. So why was she taken out in a bag, covering her head, with no oxygen and no life saving measures? On the way to the ambulance, we see her shoot up and try to get out of the bag. Not only is she not being given any life saving measures, but you see the firefighter push her back down with force. She’s a burn victim and I believe protocols do not include touching her skin, especially with such carelessness and aggression. I have also seen pets being rushed out of fires with oxygen masks. Why would they forego treatment?
Look at this close up:

Multiple camera angles of her sitting up can be seen in this video:
Some other speculation surrounds the first responders and whether or not they were legitimate. If you understand number symbolism, you will see it throughout this scene. If you seek out footage of first responders from this same location at other calls, they have different uniforms. It’s a bit odd.
Now I am finding some who believe her older movie about Chemtrails along with the trafficking movie set to be released next month are valid reason to have her murdered.
The older one, no. But this new one, maybe. The movie itself is a fictional story. It’s not a documentary naming names. But that doesn’t mean in researching for the role and as a producer, Heche didn’t stumble onto some actual names and dangerous information. Rumor has it, she may just have.
Car Hacking and other connected deaths
Heche and Republican Jackie Walorski’s deaths may be linked. Jackie Walorski, whose notable service as a Christian missionary in Romania with her husband, was elected to the US Congress and sponsored the “Human Trafficking Prevention, Intervention, and Recovery Act of 2014.”
During the past year, Walorski had been in contact with Anne Heche, who has been filming “Girl In Room 13” about child sex slavery and trafficking.
On August 3, a car driven by St. Joseph County Republican Party Chair Zachery Potts suddenly crossed the centerline of a roadway on a clear day, crashing head on into the vehicle of Edith Schmucker, killing both of them, along with US Congresswoman Walorski and her communications manager Emma Thomson.
Then, just two days later, on August 5, the car driven by actress Anne Heche crashed into a house at an accelerated rate of speed and then burst into flames.
In the early morning of June 18, 2013, Journalist Michael Hastings was driving through Hollywood at the intersection of Melrose and Highland, when suddenly, his brand new Mercedes C250 sped up and went out of control. An eyewitness reported that the car accelerated rapidly, bounced several times and then fishtailed out of control before slamming into a palm tree and bursting into flames, ejecting its engine approximately 200 feet away.
Does that sound familiar? (Remember the Paul Walker crash? Convert to English and dive into this one: Paul Walker Killed by the Clinton Cartel?)
At the time of his death, Hastings was terrified and had become increasingly convinced he was going to be assassinated.
“Hastings’s pivotal article for Rolling Stone actually went beyond revealing Gen. McChrystal’s flawed leadership of U.S. forces in Afghanistan and his scorn for the Commander-in-Chief. In addition it drew on McChrystal’s former role as the commander of Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC, a covert elite unit whose kill operations are routinely unaccountable to government, resulting in scores of civilian deaths by U.S. hands in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and elsewhere that have gone unexamined and unpunished. (JSOC's activities feature prominently in the book "Dirty Wars" by investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, which was subsequently made into an award-winning film that premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival.”
Read the full article here, “Who Killed Michael Hastings”
This crash is also suspicious. You will also find a photo of his car in the article. There is a great in depth look at the remote hacking of cars and the CIA connection.
Another notable single car crash death was WTC7 expert witness Danny Jowenko, who crashed into a tree in the Netherlands in 2011. Jowenko is best known in the 9/11 truth community for his analysis of Building 7, which he concluded was a professionally-engineered controlled demolition. Danny Jowenko Suspicious Death Reddit Thread
CIA, Car Hackers and Undetectable Assassinations
“What we know about car hacking, the CIA and those WikiLeaks claims” by the Washington Post reveals that “Tucked into WikiLeaks’ analysis of a trove of documents allegedly from the Central Intelligence Agency is a stunning line: ‘That the agency has looked into hacking cars, which WikiLeaks asserts could be used to carry out “nearly undetectable assassinations.’”
It goes on to note: “The fear that your car can be hacked and made to crash is not new, and it’s not completely unfounded. Concerns about automotive cyber security have been raised since automakers began outfitting cars and trucks with computer-controlled systems.”
The software mentioned in the Wikileaks documents is owned by Blackberry. CIA listed BlackBerry’s car software as possible target: WikiLeaks docs
See also “Radio Attack Lets Hackers Steal 24 Different Car Models”
Let’s not forget the amazing life story of James Kosta, former hacker turned multimillionaire CIA Agent. Interesting, isn’t it?
Now, what was Anne Heche driving? Oh yes, a Mini Cooper.
Security Flaw In MINI Connected Leaves MINIs Open To Hacking
The image above is page one of this 9 page document, presented with photos of a blue Mini Cooper, similar to the one Heche was driving the day of her fatal crash.
There is a lot to unpack and so many rumors swirling about this crash and Heche’s death. I probably have only scraped the surface of it all here but this is even a lot to connect. What do you all think? Let me know in the comments!
I saw your piece about Anne Heche just some minutes ago. You did a fine job and I appreciate it. I'd like to point out something that occurred to me early on in this "story.". When her car struck the garage might that impact have been the controller trying to get the hang of what he was doing, just a little glitch on the way to the upcoming accident? Also, do we know (or how do we know) that Heche was ever in such and such a hospital?
The first work by a real journalist I encountered was by Daisy Moses after Mark Crispin Miller recommended her:
We've since communicated and she kindly read a couple of my offerings.
The Off-Guardian later deemed me unworthy of their outlet after I said the wrong thing.
In any case, thanks for your work. I look forward to hearing from you.
PS: When everyone, including numerous normaltons, were saying J. Epstein didn't kill himself I was the only one I heard saying how do we know he's dead?
Great work . Please look into the Hospital Anne ended up in . Its been reported somewhere obscure ( i cant remember where now , but i think its somewhere on Rumble ) , that apparently the wife of the Head of the Burn Hospital she was taken to , was charged i think criminally . The charges involve the death of 2 or 3 members of a family crossing the road , while the hospital heads wife was driving . Her court case is set to be heard very soon ... sounds very coincidental and eerie to me